Scale Self-Support with On-Demand Help and Resources

Provide on-demand contextual support for your users and make it easier for them to help themselves.

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Join 1,000+ companies that are Accelerating Product Growth with Userpilot

Reduce support cost with automated in-app help

Eliminate user confusion with contextual in-app guidance. Automate support by providing helpful explanations when users stumble upon the less-obvious features in your product.

Provide instant answers with on-demand Resource Center

Help users find answers quicker with on-demand in-app help resources. Build help modules that connect to your knowledge base, support desk, tutorial videos and much more.

Educate users at scale

Identify areas in your product that are difficult to navigate or that cause confusion, and build in-app guidance to improve the user experience.

"Helping us solve customer-facing problems with fast turnarounds"

Take Your Product Experience
to the Next Level

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Osano reduced support ticket volume by 25%, significantly reduced delinquent churn and increased expansion revenue

“We have seen a substantial decrease in repeated questions once we implemented the Resource Center.”

Security Standards at Userpilot

As a vendor that processes millions of data points on a daily basis, we take our customers and their users’ data very seriously.

Our data is fully encrypted, managed, and stored by SOC-compliant vendors such as Amazon AWS and Google Cloud.